Wednesday, September 4, 2013



When I first saw the TED video of Matt Cutts about 30 day challenges, I thought wow. And then I watched it again and I thought, I'm doing this!

So I just blatantly stole the light bulb (or rather I have attempted to clone it) and have started my own blog where I will record the progress of the various 30 day challenges that I am going to attempt. Some of them will be serious (like my attempts at completing certain IT certifications that I have been procrastinating since almost 8 years). Others will be just fun (like learning to play the harmonica or making a movie).

Below are some of the challenges I plan to try out in the next few months:
  1. Get the OCA (Oracle Certified Associate) and IBM DB2 certifications
  2. Write 4 (or more?) short-stories in 30 days. Or just write 1 20,000 word novel. 
  3. Make a short film.
  4. Learn to play a musical instrument like a guitar or harmonica.
Some of these challenges are something that I have been meaning to do since a long long time (like learning to play the guitar). Others are just downright ambitious (like making a short film).

I'd love it if you guys would accompany me with the various challenges over the months, and keep me inspired and motivated (and honest!) with your comments and feedback. :-)

In case anyone is interested in the original stuff that inspired me, below are the links:

The TED Video

The blog of Matt Cutts  -- click here


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